Artificial intelligence

Adeona PIM and artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) can make business processes more efficient. Current artificial intelligence models are very useful for analyzing and editing text, for example. Artificial intelligence can understand and process even large data sets and look for errors and flaws. It can help a person in categorizing and classifying information. In addition, it can also be used to create text and visual content and make language translations.

Artificial intelligence can be used to assist in, for example, the creation of product data models, data classification, data enrichment and language translations.

artificial intelligence

A data parsing tool 

Importing data and creating product data models is a constant challenge for companies with many suppliers. The data parser automates data structuring and classification. Artificial intelligence analyzes, improves and makes suggestions about the data model of product groups and what kind of schemas should be for each product group. In addition, it analyzes what kind of attributes the product data needs based on whether the product data is plain text, number, measurement data, and whether the data is perhaps of a selection list type. 

After establishing product path models and schemas, it is very easy to export product information as a mass run.  

artificial intelligence

Enrichment of product information and language translations 

Generative artificial intelligence can be used to enrich product information for customers and stakeholders. Generative artificial intelligence can be used e.g. in creating and checking sales or marketing texts and in language translations. 

In terms of enriching product information, Adeona PIM allows the customer to choose the language or artificial intelligence model they want. This is how the company can take advantage with Adeona a proven language model in other business areas of the company. 


Reading pdf documents

The first version of the Adeona PIM system's artificial intelligence-based module for reading and analyzing pdf documents has been made for the food company Saarioinen. For Saarioinen, checking and approving food specifications is an important and mandatory work step. This work phase is enhanced with the artificial intelligence module on the side of Adeona PIM. With the help of artificial intelligence, routine tasks were reduced, expert work became more efficient and the process was significantly accelerated. In addition, the service improved both product quality and safety.  

The module in question is with its own user interface that can interpret and analyze product information documents in pdf format. It is able to compare and comment on given reference or limit values and store the data in a structured format. 

Read more about the solution that significantly helped Saarioinen's everyday life: Customer story – Saarioinen

In the How to PIM video, Patrik and Kim explain how artificial intelligence can be used in the management of commercial product information.
Watch the video here: Utilization of artificial intelligence in the PIM system.