The PIM pre-study maps the needs and benefits

Are you wondering if the PIM commercial product information management system might suit your needs? How does PIM change the everyday life of product management and what is it like in practice?
The PIM pre-examination helps to map your company's needs, the current system architecture, and evaluates how big a benefit PIM would be for you. The PIM system often acts as the master of product information instead of the ERP, therefore the PIM system should be considered whenever the ERP system is about to change.


Why should you do a PIM preliminary investigation?

A PIM pre-examination is like a PIM test drive: a light and fast way to try and verify the benefits. It takes into account the company's goals, current challenges and also considers how PIM would fit into the company's existing systems.

If, after the pre-study, you want to start an actual project, i.e. decide to implement the PIM system, all the information from the pre-study can be utilised in the implementation phase, which naturally speeds up the project.

See more in the video: How to PIM - Product information management consulting

Those who use Adeona PIM have said that the time spent on product information drops by half. The quality of product information deepens and it is easy to meet responsibility requirements. You can also react quickly to additional needs from customers. With the help of PIM, the product information process can be harmonized and accelerated significantly. With the help of PIM, e.g. product hierarchies and categories are easier to build, in addition, the maintenance of language versions and the channeling of publications is more agile. Centralized product information management also improves the up-to-dateness of product information, which is reflected in savings in working time and smoother customer service.


Vieser conducted a preliminary study before implementing the PIM system


Domestic family business Vieser manufactures and sells floor drains and related solutions. The company found a need to improve product information management, because product information was maintained in many different places and in several different languages. It took a lot of time to open and update the products, because it had to be done multiple times on different systems. Therefore, the company decided to conduct a feasibility study to observe the entire product information process with its various meeting points.

"The pre-study gave us a good look at where we have product information, what we do with it and where the information is exported," says the Senior Product Manager Jaana Honkonen.

The pre-study project was done thoroughly: the existing challenges were considered, different systems were taken into account, the goals and the need for improvement for product information management were specified. As a result of the pre-study, it was seen how processes could be improved with the help of PIM, the benefits became concrete and how the project should proceed.

"We are very satisfied and we recommend a pre-study to everyone who is considering PIM. We were able to use the information from the preliminary study in the actual implementation: when the PIM was set up and the product information model was already established, the implementation got underway quickly," continues Honkonen.


Price of the pre-study project 5.000 Eur

The Adeona PIM pre-study is packaged as follows:

  • A review of the current product information model and an insight into the organization of product information
  • Assessment of PIM's applicability to other system architecture
The PIM pre-study maps the needs and benefits