Adeona PIM version update 2024.1.0

The first Adeona PIM version update of the year, i.e. 2024.1.0, has now been released. There are desired functionalities related to product filtering based on product links and user role rights, mass creation of assortment or set products using Excel Import, and improvements to dynamic attribute scripts.

Filtering products in the Table View

Advanced search: filtering products based on product links and permissions

In the Advanced Search mode of the Table View, it is now possible to filter products based on whether product links have been added to them or according to permissions.

Excel import of products

Excel import: possibility establish assortment or bundle products with Excel import

The possibility to create standalone assortment or bundle products using Excel import functionality has been added to this version. Previously, a user could only create article products with the Excel import. This functionality which many Adeona PIM users have wished for, enables more agile operating methods when, for example, assortment products can now be established in the Adeona PIM system before the variation products are ready to be connected to the assortment product.

Dynamic attributes

The following features have been added to Dynamic Attributes scripts:

  • Use mainCategory & categories in scripts (code, path, main)
  • New helper functions to get multichoice attribute values and prefixes and suffixes for number attributes.
  • Using tab in the script editor to add indentation.
  • Better error messages of script errors.

Improvements to the user interface

  • Product editor view: clearer maintenance for categories with a separate menu.
  • Product hierarchy tree: clearer layout with background color accents.
  • Enrichment scores: order of scores on the product sheet in alphabetical order.

Other improvements

"Long lived" API tokens for integrations and background automation

API tokens can be used instead of the currently used username+password combination for user authentication in connection with various integrations and background automation. If, for example, an external application retrieves data directly from PIM, an API token can be created for the use of this application, which is valid for a specified period of time (e.g. 10 years). If an API token is created for a user who only has read access to PIM, this user is counted as an API user in the license management.

Search indexing performance improvements

Adeona PIMcontains an efficient search engine, where all changes made to PIM are indexed. The performance of search indexing has been significantly updated in this release, and depending on the environment and data model, indexing can be up to 40-50 % faster. Optimization also reduces the overall system load on the server.