Adeona PIM version update 2024.2.0

The main star of the 2024.2.0 version update, which will be installed in all our customer environments during April, will be the much-desired and customizable PIM Dashboards.

In addition to this, the version update adds other desired functionalities and improvements to Adeona PIM, such as organizing products in the Table View view and displaying category information with child products of the assortment.

Customizable PIM Dashboards

Customizable PIM Dashboards give PIM users the opportunity to create and save reports and metrics to monitor. Examples of such reports:

  • Description/report: Enrichment levels of products by category and/or by owner, so that I can monitor where the products of each group/product manager are.
  • Report: All eCom publication channel products with eCom enrichment <100%

Renewed Products & Categories start view

With customizable Dashboards, changes were also made to the appearance of the start view of the Products & Categories section. Functions related to products and categories were clearly separated into their own groups. In addition, the functions related to creating assortment products using Excel Import and updating product information using the Smart Import functionality were brought into view under the Tools menu to make them easier to find.

Table View: organizing by column headings

This improvement gives users the ability to organize products in the table view based on column headings. You can organize products based on several headings, for example primarily based on supplier information and secondarily based on product name.

Excel export also follows the selected order.

Other improvements: product editor view

A link has been added to the view, which takes you directly to the attribute management view in the maintenance of attribute types.

Read-only category information displayed for the child product of the assortment. The assortment's category information is maintained for the assortment's parent product.

Added new formatting options for HTML text attributes: text alignment and text color editing.

Read more about Adeona PIM: Serve your customers better with a unified product experience