Ideas for our development from the answers to the customer satisfaction survey

We conducted a customer satisfaction survey in October. The response rate was about 20% - a big thank you to everyone who answered for their valuable insights! There was a lot of positive feedback in the answers to the survey and development ideas were also found.

Based on the answers to the survey, Adeona's team is especially valued in the following aspects: doing business with us is pleasant, the expertise in the field is excellent, operations are flexible, problem situations are handled well and promises are kept.

Our friendly customer service, agility and cheerful attitude also received a lot of praise. In addition, the respondents appreciated e.g. a domestic system, a warm and personal approach, which gives the feeling that the customer is being genuinely listened to. Based on the answers to this survey, the recommendation index NPS is 59, which is a good level.

"The desire to help find a solution quickly and the desire to improve the product and service. Enthusiasm and joy can be seen in the service!"
- Customer feedback to the question 'What sets Adeona apart from other players in the industry'.

We received development ideas comfortably. Some of the ideas have already been put to work and we will make a more detailed plan for the rest: what we can implement in a fairly quickly and which things require a little more thought.

Individual development ideas that emerged from customer responses were e.g. the following wishes: A mobile version of Adeona PIM, an easy online feedback channel and faster response times. In one of the feedbacks, there was also a wish for the longer-term prospects of the development roadmap.

Development ideas are usually discussed quite thoroughly in the Adeona Community workshops we organize, where our customers are welcome to talk with other Adeona PIM users about three times a year. Our last workshop was organized on 26.10. and the next one is in the spring. In these workshops, our customers have a good opportunity to influence which new features are prioritized in product development.

We thank those who participated in the survey for their feedback, and based on the number of responses, we will make a donation to MIELI Suomen Mielenterveys ry. In the future, we plan to ask for referrals at regular intervals to ensure that we develop in the right direction in our customer work.