What is product information?

What is product information?

Product information is all information related to the product. It can be information about the product's technical features, purpose of use, price, availability, warranty and other features.

Product information is therefore more than the dimensions or color of the product. Product information is used for many different purposes: for example, product marketing, sales, commissioning and maintenance.

Product information is often divided into different categories. One way to share product information is based on who needs it. The manufacturer of the product needs product information for the design, manufacture and marketing of the product. The user of the product, on the other hand, needs information on the introduction, use and maintenance of the product.

Another way to share product information is according to the quality of the content. The technical data contains information about the structure, operating principle and performance of the product. The terms of use contain information about the use of the product, such as instructions, warnings and safety information. The price and availability information includes information about the cost of the product and where it can be purchased. The warranty information shows what the product's warranty covers.

Product information is presented in many different formats, such as text, images, videos or 3D models. Product information can be published online, in print or in other formats.

What can product information be - examples of product information

The name of the product

The product name is an important identifier that can significantly influence consumer choices. A clear, simple and memorable name can make a product stand out in a crowded market and make it easier to find. The company's brand can also be emphasized in the name of the product, which can distinguish the product from similar products of competitors.


The product description is a concise overview of the product and highlights the product's most important features, benefits and value proposition. It plays a crucial role when informing customers about the product.

Technical information

Technical data includes attributes, features, dimensions, country of origin and performance ratings that give a comprehensive understanding of the product's features. They are precise information about the technical aspects of the product and more specific details.


Product features highlight unique and desirable features that set the product apart from others. These range from design elements and performance enhancements to comfort factors tailored to the customer's needs. Today, the characteristics of a service or product also include matters related to responsibility: for example, carbon footprint and recyclability are increasingly on the list of customer requirements.


While the features provide information about the product, the benefits focus on bringing out the benefits of using the product, i.e. the positive consequences of the purchase. When the product's benefits and positive effects on life are convincingly told, it can have an impact on the customer's purchase decisions.

Ingredients or materials

For products such as food, clothing or electronics, consumers value comprehensive information about materials and ingredients, as well as transparency of information. This builds trust, enables allergy assessment and helps consumers evaluate properties such as durability, environmental friendliness, effects on health and well-being.

Nutritional content

For foods, nutritional information provides key information about the nutritional content of the product. This is essential for health conscious consumers managing their dietary goals or medical conditions.

Contents of the package

List of accessories and products supplied with the main product. The attractiveness of the product is increased by clarifying what the customers get in the package.

Best before or use by date

The best before date indicates the time until which the product is expected to maintain optimal quality. The expiry date indicates when the product may no longer be safe to consume. This information is important for the safety of consumers and can contribute to preventing wastage or premature disposal of the product.

Pictures, documents and certificates

High-resolution images show the product from different angles, and they allow customers to judge quality, design and aesthetics. With the help of pictures, customers can see the visual appearance of the product, and can better assess its usability and suitability for themselves.

Customers making a purchase decision require that they can easily find the documentation related to the product. Possible certificates, original certificates and instructions for the entire life cycle, such as user manuals, installation and maintenance instructions, and recycling instructions.

Product certifications from authorized organizations confirm compliance with quality, safety and industry standards. Displaying certifications builds trust and reassures customers of the product's reliability, which can promote customer loyalty. 


Videos provide a dynamic way to present a product to customers and enable a more engaging and vivid experience than just text or static images. Videos can be in the form of, for example, guides, presentation instructions, customer experiences and packaging videos.


Stating the price is a polite service and especially necessary for customers who want to know the price before buying. The transparency of additional costs, discounts and campaigns helps to build trust between the company and customers.

Inventory balance

The stock balance indicates whether the product is available, where and how much. Despite not being necessary, showing inventory can create a sense of urgency and scarcity and motivate customers to make faster purchasing decisions.

FAQ or Q&A

The frequently asked questions (FAQ) answer the most common queries of customers, which saves them the trouble of contacting the company. With the Q&A section, customers can both ask questions and answer questions, which creates a virtual community of product enthusiasts and makes the company's own work easier.

Reviews and ratings

Customer reviews and ratings offer genuine perspectives on product performance and quality. While positive reviews are valuable, a combination of positive and constructive feedback is more credible and impactful. With the help of customer reviews, the company can also get new ideas for its product development.


With the help of product comparison tables, customers can evaluate how the product differs from other similar products in terms of price, technical data and features. This helps customers make informed purchasing decisions.

Operational requirements

Functional requirements are information about compatible operating systems, power supplies, accessories or software updates related to the product. This ensures that customers are aware of what is needed for the product to function properly and appropriately.

The PIM system makes it possible to stand out with product information and make operations more efficient

The PIM system enables, for example, a very flexible and easy-to-use place for organizing, updating and enriching product information compared to an enterprise resource planning system. After the updates, all product information appears in high quality, for example on websites, online stores, product cards, product catalogs, offers or purchasing systems. The quality of product information improves and the working time used for maintenance is saved by up to 50%. 

Read more: What is product information management

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